Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Word of the Day—Stretcher

For the first time in my life, I was being brought for medical care. I was on a stretcher, being hoisted into an ambulance by the time I came to. Blood blacked out the vision in one of my eyes. I tried to sit up, before a heavy hand pushed me back down.

I actually have a few scenes in mind in which this could work. I’m not much for plugging my own work, so I’ll keep the details to myself. One of my characters is in a … “law-enforcement” and rescue role, and it’s entirely possible he got injured in one of his tours of duty. Thus, he wakes up on a stretcher, headed for the hospital.

I can see him not being very pleased about hospitals though. Perhaps he’s had a bad experience in the past with them. Perhaps he’s afraid of what they’ll find.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Word of the Day—Crew

It was supposed to be a NICE evening--the only one that I would have off this week. Then this punk and his crew come out of this alleyway and start making threats like they own the streets. Like they think they can scare me.... I'm just standing here trying to concentrate--which one should lose his teeth first?

Okay, I kind of had an idea in mind with this word the moment I saw it pop up on the screen. I admit, this one is more based around the “crimefighting” or even “superhero” genre, but hey, if you can’t have fun with your word-of-the-day, what’s the point in doing it at all, right?

This scene, I imagine being kind of a revelation for the criminal and unscrupulous of a corrupt city—that not everyone is a victim to be taken advantage of, just as these punks are about to find out the hard way!