Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Word of the Day—Stretcher

For the first time in my life, I was being brought for medical care. I was on a stretcher, being hoisted into an ambulance by the time I came to. Blood blacked out the vision in one of my eyes. I tried to sit up, before a heavy hand pushed me back down.

I actually have a few scenes in mind in which this could work. I’m not much for plugging my own work, so I’ll keep the details to myself. One of my characters is in a … “law-enforcement” and rescue role, and it’s entirely possible he got injured in one of his tours of duty. Thus, he wakes up on a stretcher, headed for the hospital.

I can see him not being very pleased about hospitals though. Perhaps he’s had a bad experience in the past with them. Perhaps he’s afraid of what they’ll find.

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